Newbie Introducted to Javascript

31 Aug 2022

It has been a little over week since I eased my way into Javascript and overall it has been a pleasant experience. My journey into the coding world is fairly new, the only languages I’ve dipped into so far have been Java, C, and C++. Compared to the other languages, I found Javascript much easier to comprehend. From my perspective I’ve found Javascript to have a more simplistic approach compared to the other languages. As it allows for users to manipulate functions more freely.

The website our class had used to introduce us to Javascript, was The introduction to an online code camp was very instructive and insightful. I actually enjoyed how it taught the user in a hands on manner. It cleared up a lot of conceptual topics which I have had trouble in the past. When declaring variables or objects, I’ve noticed its alot simpler compared to Java. I sense that the more I get to know Javascript it will help me to excel in other languages as well.

Along with the introduction of Javascript, HTML and CSS had been introduced to me. Which peaked my interest further into learning Javascript. I have no prior experience nor knowledge in web development but I’ve always wanted to learn more about it. The creative side of coding has always been interesting to me, so getting to know how HTML/CSS work will be very beneficial to me. I’ve always been curious how different features or buttons are created, on websites and applications which we use everyday.

In addition to a new coding language, I recently got introduced to athletic software engineering. When I first heard about it in class, it sent chills down my spine and my anxiety spiked through the roofs. The pressure to code under a short span of time is very overwhelming, I usually check my code over 10 times before submitting an assignment. We did receive some timed practice assignments for homework and it was actually very insightful. It made realize that in the real world they would expect an experienced coder to think and code well in a limited time and under pressure. After timing myself numerous times after another it wasn’t so bad because over time with practice, I would get better. This made me much more optimistic about working under pressure.

Overall, learning Javascript has been a quite enjoyable and I look forward to diving deeper into the language. I understand it’s heavily used in web development so I look forward to how it is applied in online applications and browsers. My journey into coding is still long, I have so much to learn but I’m excited to learn more from those around me. I will not only be taking coding skills from this experience but study skills as well.