Interests in Coding

15 Sep 2022

Finding my way

Fresh out of highschool, I was just as confused about my future like any other 18 year old. I hadn’t given much thought about what I wanted do for the “rest of my life”. I took a bunch of science and math classes when I first started college just because I excelled in those subjects more in highschool. But I still hadn’t figured out what I wanted to do. One summer, out of curiosity I took a CS class to get a feel of the field and it was the first time I was geniunely interested in learning something. I guess, looking back I had always been curious about the way things are created or made. It felt satsifying understanding bit by bit how computers work and it’s interface. Especially since our world literally revolves around technology, and it’s constantly growing and changing before our eyes. I felt that I wanted to be in this field to see it happen with my own eyes.


I’m still fairly new to coding and as I get introduced to more languages I find myself more knowledgeable yet lost. My main goal in software engineering is definitely to gain strong fundamentals, so that way I’d be able to translate my code in any of the languages out there. I also want to gain more critical thinking skills when it comes to solving problems, which WODs (Work out of the Day) has been challenging me on. Critical thinking skills and coding do come hand in hand with one another for sure, it challenges a person to solve problems more efficently than just writing a block of code. I also realized that software engineering is not limited as I originally thought. There is also creative side to it which catches my attention greatly. Such as VR, AR , Game and Web Development. I have only taken a few steps into the field of software development and I feel as though I will always have something to learn. It has me feeling nervous and excited for whats to come.